Spring Cleaning Tips – Get Your Spring Cleaning Done Fast!

Spring Cleaning Tips – Get Your Spring Cleaning Done Fast!

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Alright, so we all know that we have to do spring cleaning on our house if we want our house to be clean and less stressful. If you are like me then some of the cleaning gets put off a bit in the winter with the rationalization the we have to be able to open the house up some to really get our house clean.

No more procrastinating. We can get fresh air in our homes and get our house clean but don’t spend more time than you need to.

So without further ado here are some spring cleaning tips to get your housework done fast.

1. The first spring cleaning tip is to make a list of what you want to accomplish.
For me this makes my work go super quick. Why you ask?

Good question!

When you make a detailed list of what you want to accomplish you will spend way less time wondering around your house doing this or that’s. You need focused effort when doing spring cleaning or it will take forever.

So how do you make your spring cleaning checklist?

Well the first thing you need to do is to walk around each room and look at what you have not cleaned in a while. This includes fans, under couches, walls, etc. Don’t forget the corners at the ceilings.

A great way to get cobwebs is simply with a broom. A broom will reach up to the top of the wall with no problem so that means no climbing for you.

Go through each room and make a checklist of what you need to accomplish that way you can systematically go through each room and get it done.

When you try to do spring cleaning without a checklist you will end up going from thing to thing without ever really finishing your first job.

2.  Make sure you use the right cleaners for the job.

A common mistake made when cleaning (and I used to be guilty of this too) is that we use one or two multipurpose cleaners to clean everything in the house. As far as spring cleaning tips goes this is important because using a multi cleaner for everything means that you will be spending way to much time scrubbing when you do not need to.

So what kind of cleaners should you be using for your spring cleaning?

You want to make sure that the cleaners you are using are the appropriate ones for the job. For example, if you are cleaning the bathroom you should be using a bathroom cleaner that is made for soap scum. If you are not then you are going to be spending way to much time getting your shower clean.

If you are trying to get your floor back to it’s original color make sure you use a floor cleaner and actually use a scrub brush instead of just a mop. You will spend less time spring cleaning your kitchen floor with a scrub brush then you would trying to get it sparkling clean with a mop and it will come out nicer.

3. To end the list of spring cleaning tips is painting your walls.

Technically this is not cleaning but painting your walls is an easy, inexpensive way to really make your house shine and it is perfect to do in the spring because you need to be able to have your windows open to paint.

If you would like your house to have a light airy feel to it choose a light color. If you have found a darker color that you absolutely love then paint one of your four walls with the darker color and the rest a lighter color. The contrast will be stunning.